Meet Dr. Beth
Hi, I’m Dr. Beth.

In February 2013 while on my way to study meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn, I had this feeling that I was going to die. I did. A transformation had begun inside me and I saw my career, life and marriage as dead ends heading to annihilation.
Within days of arriving home from that workshop I had surgery to remove my left ovary and the strange growth that had come to inhabited it. After my operation I began contracting every virus that wafted my way. I looked in the mirror one day and saw myself 25 pounds overweight, sick and with a suppressed soul- hopeless, middle-aged, and spiraling down.
That very day started saying yes to new opportunities. I wanted to thrive. I desired wellness. I yearned for passion. I started talking to my body and listening to the answers.
What I’ve discovered is a life of rhythm with the planet – a life of ease. And the amazing thing about this new life is simplicity. No supplements, no personal trainers, no empty promises. Just me, nature, compassion, truth, connection… and a coach.
Come share this journey with me! I will show you the way down the less-traveled and exciting path. I am you advocate and ally in wellness. I am so excited to show you the way!
“What I learned from that moment has transformed my life. I feel more compassion with patients and colleagues. I’ve lost 20 pounds. My awake rested. I recover from a 24-hour call shift in a day now, not a week. I make better choices with food. I also recovered from 3 years of chronic back and pelvic pain.”
These days, I feel vibrant, passionate and energized – all the qualities that were so severely lacking in my life almost four years ago. It’s all waiting for you!
Certified Yoga Health Coach

Help awaits you. The community of support vibrates. You have everything you need right now.
I’ve filled this website with resources that helped me turn my life around. They will work for you too.
Are you ready?
Seriously ready??
Change is possible.
“Please take time to peruse the various avenues to wellness offered here. One or all may speak to you. I hope we can take your journey deeper. ”
To your health and wellbeing,
Dr. Beth
The body is made to heal. Become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Feel fantastic every day. Accept the invitation to engage in your life and tap into your body’s wisdom. I am your ally in your wellness journey. Come with me. Working over 20 years in health care as an OB/Gyn it’s become apparent that lifestyle choices make us unhealthy. Taking a pill or having surgery does not remove the root of the problem. There are everyday habits that lead to a life where you can be stronger, thinner, more calm, and pain-free. As your coach, I will show you the path.
Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or healthcare provider. Do not use the information provided here for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or for prescribing medication or other treatments.