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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”




Golden Milk

Golden Milk

After reviewing hundreds of recipes for golden milk, this concoction has emerged as what I drink at night.  An important ingredient is whole unpasteurized milk as the base.  The pasteurization process can kill the beneficial enzymes and bacteria that make milk...

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Panchakarma Kitcherie

Panchakarma Kitcherie

by Dr. Vassant Lad at the Albuquerque Ayurvedic Institute.   1st Step:   Soak ½ cup whole green mung beans overnight   2nd Step: ¼ cup white Basmati rice  1 Tablespoon ghee  1 teaspoon mineral salt  1 pinch asafetida (hing)  ½ teaspoon ground cumin  ½ teaspoon...

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Soaked Almonds

Soaked Almonds

It’s really not that hard…. Measure about ¼ cup raw almonds into a glass or ceramic bowl.  Cover with filtered water.  In the morning pour off the water and pop the almonds out of their skins.  (This step seems tedious, and its well worth it.) These can be stored in...

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Spiced Oatmeal

This oatmeal is my favorite post-call treat in the cooler seasons.  It grounds, warms and softens me with sweetness like no other food. 1/3 cup sliced soaked almonds 4 cups filtered water 1 cup rolled oats 2 tablespoons raisins ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom ¼ teaspoon...

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Go Get ‘Em Green Smoothie

Go Get ‘Em Green Smoothie

“Starting the day with a green smoothie gives me energy not just to survive a busy 24-hour shift, but to enjoy it.” Claire Obstetrician and Gynecologist Flagstaff, AZ     1 stalk of celery 1 handful of parsley 1 banana 3 large leaves of chard, kale, dandelion greens,...

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Ginger Guacamole

For a delicious and warming treat without the strong taste of garlic or for dosha-balancing, I make this guacamole with ginger.  Ginger helps to settle the stomach and warm the blood.  1 ripe avocado 2 tsp fresh ginger minced or paste 2 -3 green onions sliced ¼ tsp...

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Sauerkraut Recipe

Sauerkraut Recipe

  “if you think you’re only human, you’d better think again…Growing research into the human microbiome—also known as the  “other human genome”—shows that the trillions of tiny bugs that live in your gut could hold the keys to  new treatments for conditions ranging...

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Cooked Apples and Pears

For a warming breakfast treat in the winter try my cooked apples.  The chia seeds offers protein and ghee provides warmth and grounding. 1 apple chopped 1 pear chopped ½ inch piece of ginger minced (can substitute 1/8 tsp dried ground ginger) enough water to cover...

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Breakfast Spice Mix

In Fall and Winter this mixture gets carried around in my purse in a spice bottle for breakfast when travelling or on the run.  It builds Agni (digestive fire) and improves digestion.  It complements oatmeal or any hot cereal as well as fresh fruit.  1 TBSP ground...

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Asparagus Soup

Asparagus Soup

Local asparagus in the store means Spring is near! This is a very easy recipe for a delicious seasonal soup. 1 tsp ghee ½ yellow onion chopped 1 lb. asparagus 2 cups water 1 Rapunzel bullion cube 1 tsp fresh thyme 8-10 fresh basil leaves Cook the onion in ghee over...

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Self Care MD

The body is made to heal. Become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Feel fantastic every day. Accept the invitation to engage in your life and tap into your body’s wisdom. I am your ally in your wellness journey. Come with me. Working over 20 years in health care as an OB/Gyn it’s become apparent that lifestyle choices make us unhealthy. Taking a pill or having surgery does not remove the root of the problem. There are everyday habits that lead to a life where you can be stronger, thinner, more calm, and pain-free. As your coach, I will show you the path.


Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or healthcare provider.  Do not use the information provided here for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or for prescribing medication or other treatments.