Over the past year essential oils have become a part of daily life in my house. I remember feeling the sense of overwhelm after joining doTERRA , wondering what I was going to do with all this oil.

Since we’ve integrated the oils into our day-to-day activities, we’ve become more calm, more mindful and more healthy. We have replaced many over-the-counter drugs with oils that enhance our bodies’ natural functions and our sense of well-being has improved.

I highly suggest the use of these oils in your life. If you’re not sure how exactly to use the oils, here are specific examples of how my family uses Essential Oils every day:

In the morning after washing my face, Immorelle goes on in dots and gets spread around by my face cream- under eyes, forehead, neck and chest. I dot Whisper on my neck and chest too.

When I arrive at work there’s a quick assessment of what’s needed. Often it’s a roll of InTune on my neck to help my focus. I keep PastTense on my desk for those who come in and tell me they have a headache because it’s really hard to enjoy work when you have a headache. If I don’t have a lemon wedge, then a drop or two of lemon oil in my quart mason jar jazzes up the water so it’s more fun to drink. If it’s moon time, then ClaryCalm roll on is in my little bag of sanitary products. It has taken the place of Ibuprofen.

At night I assess what’s needed. If my family is feeling sniffy or the seasons are changing, then OnGuard goes in the diffuser. If I’m feeling down, Elevation goes in.; Serenity to feel calm, Arborvitae for introspection. My daughter likes OnGuard and Elevation mixed. She says it keeps her happy and healthy.

Before bed we all get a foot massage with fractionated coconut oil and a couple drops of Vetiver for a sound sleep. It really helps.