Exactly three years ago I was introduced to Ayurveda through a friend at my yoga studio. I had been taking classes for over a decade to bring flexibility, balance and strength to many areas of my life and in a very natural progression, I was ready to go deeper with the work.

The word yoga means “to yoke”. My step into the world of Ayurveda helped “yoke” my mind, body and spirit on a new and different level that went beyond simply the physical yoga asana, or posture.

A powerful resilience, compassion and self-awareness evolved that I had never known before. Over time I found it easier to maintain health and wellness in my daily life. Patients tell me that I’m getting younger as they age. I’ve lost 20 pounds. My sleep is sound. I like myself more.  

Ayurveda has made my life much more “on purpose”. My food choices, the time I choose to go to bed, the time I choose to wake up, and how I orient myself to challenge are all influenced by the gentle structure of nature and the rhythms of the planet.

Where are you with your planetary rhythms?
Do you feel like a creature of nature or a prisoner of a building tied to a computer?
Are you carrying excess weight?
Would you like to befriend yourself?

Click Here  for tangible steps to created the change you crave.